Monday, August 31, 2015

Coconut French Toast with Cardamom Maple Syrup Black tea

Black tea blend

All organic ingredients: Black teas, crushed cardamom pods, dried coconut flakes and natural flavors.

Is it possible for two breakfast flavors, one tropical flavor, and one spice to work together in a tea? YES. And 52Teas can do it.

I'm skeptical of coconut in tea, but the perfectly proportioned coconut shreds enhance the french toast flavor. The tea has a round mouthfeel and almost a little astringency at the finish.


Breakfast in a cup! It's like a warm home. Another surprising flavor combination from 52Teas. They should be called 5 million teas.

Monday, August 10, 2015

Lemon Cheesecake Bar Houjicha

Blended green tea

Ingredients (all organic): Japanese green tea, lemon balm, lemon verbena, lemongrass, natural flavors.

The new management of 52Teas took Kickstarter by storm to put together excellent rewards packages. I'm excited to try Lemon Cheesecake Bar Houjicha as my first from 52Teas!

I fell in love when I opened the package. It smells exactly like cheesecake! If you know me, you'll know I love anything that smells like cake. If you didn't, now you do.

The infusion color is a warm, autumn yellow like roasted hay. The flavor is strong in lemongrass which seems to be giving the tea its heavier mouthfeel. The lemon balances out the roasted flavor, which I have found to be too strong in another houjicha before.

I don't normally drink much lemongrass, but the complementary flavor blend makes this tea enjoyable. Especially when the liquid is really hot. It'll make a killer iced tea, too.

Sunday, August 9, 2015

White Monkey Paw

White tea
Margaret's Fine Imports

Area of Origin: China, Fujian Province, Wuyi Mountains

This tea came with Margaret's Level 2 tea class! If you haven't yet, search her on Groupon since she's usually offering 50% off class price.

An now, to the tea.

The dry tea smells marine at first, but on closer inspection, I notice a red fruit such as strawberry, or even honey. It has seaweed in the taste, similar to what I notice in Bilo Chun.

I make it iced, but I wouldn't recommend the cold brew. It's technically a white tea, but I can't help but think of it as green.

Friday, August 7, 2015

Vata (air balancing) Ayurvedic herbal tea

Herbal blend
Margaret's Fine Imports

Ingredients: Chamomile, saffron, licorice, ginger root, fennel seeds, rosebuds, spearmint, rosehips, lemongrass, tulsi (holy basil), natural orange flavor.

I can't say that I drink this tisane, but I was immediately convinced to buy it for my husband after I smelled it in the store. It smells like fresh sweet air, despite the chamomile.

I'm washing my hands of reviewing this tea since I don't like chamomile. But! I just had to show you the beautiful rosebuds.

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Golden Monkey

Black tea
Margaret's Fine Imports

Country of origin: China.

A dry earthy smell up front and a little apricot on the finish. I like it as a late morning or afternoon tea. Dry mouthfeel, smooth, and warming.

I enjoy the pretty tips. "AssamGreenTea" just told me that handcrafted Indian Assam tea can have a similar appearance to this: some golden tips and twisted strands with a wiry appearance. Thanks, AssamGreenTea!

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Black Dragon Pearls

Black tea
Margaret's Fine Imports 

These darling tea pearls smell lightly of apricot and musk. It has tippy golden pieces. Two balls per mug is not enough, so I've added a third. A sweetness emanates from the cup, followed by a tobacco taste.

It has the slightly sweltered taste of a yellow tea, but without the hay flavor. I just let the tea sit in the bottom of the cup. It would be great in a teapot.

I think I enjoy tea more when it has fun shapes.