The tea club welcome kit.

Maharaja Chai Oolong
Flavored oolong
Ingredients: Cinnamon, oolong tea, ginger pieces, carob pieces, chicory root, artificial flavoring, pepper, nutmeg, cloves, cardamom.
The dry tea smells strongly of chicory. Or maybe that's just the artificial flavoring, but who's counting?
Cinnamon and clove scent the steeped tea. The tea is polite and warming. It doesn't have the longevity of a real oolong (the 2nd steep wasn't worth it), but the 1st steep is nice.

So much flavor dust!

An oversized tea ball for it to open up. The yellow cup is lighter than I expected.
Golden Monkey
Black tea
Ingredients: Black tea.
The dry tea has a light earthy smell similar to oolong, with a hint of dried grass or straw. The pieces are thin with downy hairs.
The cup has a lovely warm smell. The liquor is an orange brown. The taste is in between a breakfast tea and a Chinese restaurant tea.
I got a 2nd steep out of it. I like it!

Samurai Chai Mate
Flavored mate
Ingredients: Green mate, green rooibos, cinnamon, candied pineapple pieces (pineapple, sugar), candied papaya pieces (papaya, sugar), orange peels, artificial flavoring, lemongrass, anise seed, coriander, cardamom.
The dry tea smells like a grassy lemon candy. The chai smell is evident as it steeps. It makes a yellow cup.
This was fun because I have never had green mate or green rooibos before. An uplifting taste with some sweetness.
Bonus! A sample of the Majaraja Chai Oolong and Samurai Chai Mate mixed together, with rock sugar.
Interesting to see a blend of tea blends.
Next time I'll show you a tropical black tea.
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